Latent Sonorities

med Morgan Sully

(aka Memeshift)

Når? Søndag 13. oktober 2024, kl13-17

Hvor? Notam, Myrens Verksted 3A, Oslo

Accessibility Rider

Hva? This workshop is designed for musicians, producers, and sound artists interested in exploring sonic material through hands-on digital manipulation. Additionally, people interested in thoughtfully working with music instrument archives and transcultural exchange may find the workshop fruitful.

Working with a sample pack and tuning system from Rumah Budaya Indonesia Berlinʼs RBI Javanese Gamelan, participants will be introduced to experimental digital techniques for manipulating sonic material recorded from instrument archives.

Participants will be introduced to the material, their instrumental provenance and and thoughtfully working with the material or even launching their own projects exploring instrument archives. This is not an gamelan workshop, rather we will work with sampled gamelan instruments and their tuning systems to create a new work together.

Throughout the workshop, we will work with a variety of these samples, delve into tuning techniques, and explore how to incorporate these sounds into your own compositions. By the end of the session, each participant will have created a unique piece in Ableton Live, which they can continue to refine and develop after the workshop.

Over the course of the session, you will:
Latent Sonorities: Exploring Instrument Archives in Ableton Live 1

Learn about the history and provenance of this specific Javanese gamelan Explore a curated collection of gamelan instrument samples
Understand the unique tuning systems used in this gamelan
Develop techniques for manipulating sonic material in Ableton Live Experiment with blending gamelan sounds with modern electronic elements Create a original composition using the techniques learned

By the end of the workshop, you will have gained a deeper appreciation for gamelan music and developed the skills to continue exploring this fusion of these sounds in your own compositions using Ableton Live.

Krav til deltakelse:

  • Nuts And Bolts medlemskap (

  • Du er profesjonelt virksom i musikk, eller har ambisjonen til å bli det

  • Kjennskap med Ableton Live eller sammenlignbar DAW OBS: Bruker du Ableton Live 10 eller 11, så må du laste ned (gratis) Oddsound MTS Suite for å kunne bruke stemmingene.

  • Erfaring med audio opptak og klipping

  • Forståelse av MIDI kontrollere er en fordel, men ikke avgjørende

  • Om du er i tvil om nivået ditt med overstående er tilstrekkelig, ta kontakt heller enn å la være å søke :-)

Ta med:

  • Last ned Samplepack og Ableton Template på

  • Laptop

  • Ableton Live (anbefales versjon 10 eller 11, man kan laste ned gratis demo versjon på Ableton Live nettsiden)

Workshopen er tilgjengelig til rullestolbrukere. Ta kontakt med oss, så finner vi ut av det. Assistans hund er velkommen.

Vi oppfordrer særlig kvinner, ikke-binære, trans, queer, bipoc, neurodiverse, og personer med funksjonshemminger til å søke deltakelse.

Workshop Språk: Engelsk / English


Morgan Sully is a Berlin-based organizer and experimental electronic musician. Musically raised within DIY punk, noise and rave scenes in Southern California, his recent sonic homings invoke the music of his matrilineal roots from southeast Asia, most recently through his debut album Echoes, released on Chinabot in April 2024. Morgan is active as part of music/art collectives like L-KW and Soydivision, and leads Latent Sonorities, a project bridging traditional gamelanic instrumentation and tuning systems with contemporary electronic music production techniques.

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