Workshop Mary C

How To Read Synths

Lørdag 9. September, kl12 - 16

Hvor? nyMusikk, Platousgate 18, 0190 Oslo

Hva? Join sound artist and curator Mary C (Synth Library Prague) for an intro to synthesis:

Let's make some noise, build new signal paths and resonate. We will learn how to read synthesizers - explore basic terms and practices so we can enjoy sound synthesis and use it in our music, sound design or for playing around without any specific goal or for a little meditation.

Let’s try out some powerful and inspiring instruments in an open circle and navigate smoothly through the knobs, faders, switches and patches together. We will take a closer look at the architecture and interfaces of few instruments from the Synth Library collection and explore forbidden planets while staying switched-on. You are very welcome to bring your own instrument. If you think you still haven’t explore the whole potential of it, we can try it together.

We will also talk a little about the history of music technology and what language do we use when working with synthesizers and how to broaden our word power and break harmful and unimaginative stereotypes.

ENCOURAGEMENT: We encourage everyone to think about the systems of power and stereotypes not only in the field of music technology but in the learning process in general and to be considerate and respectful to everyone and patient to yourself.

Hvem? Marie Ctverackova aka Mary C is a sound artist, curator, lecturer and music writer. She is the co-founder of the Synth Library Prague together with Alissa DeRubeiss. The main topics she likes to explore in her practice are breaking stereotypes, access and the systems of power not only in the field of electronic music and sound.

Krav til deltakelse
Medlemskap i Nuts And Bolts (er du ikke medlem ennå? Søk og vi fikser!)

Nybegynnere er velkommen.

Du er velkommen til å ta med din synthesizer og hodetelefon, samt kabel til å plugge den inn i mikser.


Medlemskapsgebyret funker som reserveringsbegyr til plass i workshoppen. Er du allerede medlem? Da betaler du reserveringsgebyr, som betales tilbake etter deltakelse. Reserveringsgebyr mistes om du ikke dukker opp, eller avlyser innen 5 dager før workshoppen.

Vi oppfordrer særlig kvinner, ikke-binære, trans, queer, BIPOC og differently-abled personer til å søke deltagelse.



Presenteres av Nuts And Bolts, i samarbeid med nyMusikk.

Støttet av:

Mary C at workshop at Synthlibrary Prague

Søk plass i workshoppen!